Why film

Stars shine for FilmAid fundraising PSA: “Why Film?”

Actors Rufus Sewell, Sarita Choudhury and Sienna Guillory – alongside refugees from Kakuma refugee camp in northern Kenya – are featured in FilmAid’s new PSA, “Why Film?” which launches today at www.filmaid.org/whyfilm

Produced with the support of Ridley Scott Associates and independent filmmaker K. Ryan Jones, the two minute film asks the fundamental question why film and provides compelling examples of the role film, and the work of FilmAid, plays in humanitarian crises.

Shot in New York, London and Kenya, “Why Film?” brings together members of the film community from a variety of backgrounds, lending their voices to help raise vital funds for FilmAid International. Filming in London, Sienna Guillory said, “The work that FilmAid does is vital. The conditions they operate in, and the lengths they go to bring mobile cinemas into refugee camps, are extraordinary. Teaching essential film-making skills to refugees to ensure that life-saving information is shared through the camps, whilst also using film to give people something other than loss they can bond over, and a means to escape their emotional situation is so important. I hope that ‘Why Film?’ helps people understand why film aid is a necessity and not a luxury.” 

Founded in 1999 by award-winning producer Caroline Baron (Capote, Monsoon Wedding), FilmAid is a non-profit, charitable organization with a mission to use the power of film and media to bring life-saving information, psychological relief and much-needed hope to refugees and other communities in need around the globe.

Media Contact:
Chloe Franses, The Global Cause Consultancy
+44 777 934 5371