
Chivas Regal donate $100,000 to FilmAid at Cannes 2014

Global film elite including Naomi Watts, Harvey Weinstein, Gael Garcia Bernal gathered on Friday May 16 at the world famous Charles Finch Filmmakers Dinner in Cannes where FilmAid received a generous donation from our long-time supporter Chivas Regal. The highly anticipated annual dinner, filled with international superstars and with the stunning Riviera as a backdrop, was held during the Cannes Film Festival 2014 and confirmed the film industry’s dedication to using media to support marginalized and vulnerable communities. 

World-class actor and social activist Edward Norton (Fight Club, The Illusionist, Primal Fear) invited guests to toast the charitable efforts of the film industry and praised the work of FilmAid highlighting our work to help, “people who are voiceless, need to have their stories told or need what is going on around them documented. There’s an empowerment in giving people the tools to tell their own story.” Cannes Film Festival is known for showing its political conscience, and the Charles Finch dinner was no exception.

The evening brought together film stars, directors and producers to celebrate the opening of the film festival. Christopher Hampton and Alfonso Cuáron were presented with the Filmmaker Award for their massive and lasting contributions to the film industry.

The highlight of the night was undoubtedly Edward Norton leading the final toast and presenting a check of $100,000 to FilmAid’s Executive Director, Simon Goff on behalf of Chivas. Norton commented, “It is a great pleasure to be here tonight at the Charles Finch Filmmakers Dinner, sponsored by Chivas Regal 25. To be able to present FilmAid with such a generous donation on behalf of Chivas Regal is a great honor… Increasingly, we are seeing brands addressing social and environmental issues more than ever before. Charitable causes such as FilmAid need support in order to drive awareness and change consumer attitudes and behavior. With the help of partners like Chivas Regal around the world, FilmAid will be able to reach their next milestone”.

We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thanks to our long-time supporter, Chivas Regal, for their on-going generosity, as well as to Charles Finch and Edward Norton for paying tribute to FilmAid.