
Global finalist for 2013 Intercultural Innovation Award

Today the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group announced FilmAid as one of only 10 global finalists for the 2013 Intercultural Innovation Award.

FilmAid has been selected as a finalist for its work in the field of film and media, bringing life-saving information, psychological relief and much-needed hope to refugees and other communities in need in Northern Kenya and around the globe. Representatives from FilmAid Kenya will present FilmAid’s work at the Viennese Volkstheatre on Tuesday, February 26th, 2013.

President Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, United Nations High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations and Mr. Bill McAndrews, Vice President, Corporate Communications Strategy, Corporate and Market Communications, BMW Group will chair the ceremony, in the presence of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. High-level representatives of the UNAOC and the BMW Group will give the award to the five top organizations.

Since 2011, the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group have engaged in a historic partnership geared towards creating a new model for collaboration between the private sector and the UN system. To that end, the two organizations have established The Intercultural Innovation Award whose mandate is to select highly innovative grassroots projects that promote dialogue and intercultural understanding and make vital contributions to prosperity and peace in global societies.

FilmAid is honored and thankful to the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and BMW Group for this fantastic opportunity! 

A Fantastic Evening! FilmAid's Annual Power of Film Benefit

Guests from the film industry and humanitarian community gathered on November 20 to show support for FilmAid’s efforts to harness the power of film to provide critical information where it is needed and inspire hope where it is lacking. FilmAid's Annual Power of Film Benefit took place at Lexicon night club in New York City.

Sebastian Junger (The Perfect Storm, Restrepo) was honored with FilmAid’s Richard C. Holbrooke Memorial Award for Dedication to Humanitarian Service. He received the award for his career’s work, as an award-winning documentarian and best-selling author, recognizing the power of film as a cultural force and a window to new worlds and experiences. Said Junger, “FilmAid [puts] cameras into the hands of people who have grown up in very troubled countries, who are in some ways in the best position to document those troubles and inform the rest of the world about them. That is an unbelievably important task." 

The award was presented by author and human rights advocate Kati Marton, whose late husband Ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke was an early supporter of FilmAid and namesake of the annual award.

FilmAid Founder Caroline Baron presented the FilmAid Community Leadership Award to Eline Media Founder and CEO Michael Angst for his many years of service as FilmAid’s Board Chair. FilmAid’s Executive Director Simon Goff was joined on stage by Rodriguez Shamamba, FilmAid alumni from Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya who was recently resettled to Massachussetts. Griffin Dunne acted as Master of Ceremonies for the event, which included a Silent Auction.

FilmAid thanks its generous event sponsors including American Express, Robert and Tracy Baron, Condé Nast, The Culver Studios, Film Finances Inc., FilmNation Entertainment, HBO, The Hollywood Reporter, Nancy and Ron Proesel, Relativity Media, and Variety. 

See our complete photo album from the event on Facebook

FilmAid Asia's Mary Soan Wins Diva/Hugo Boss High Heeled Warrior Award

FilmAid's program director in Asia, Mary Soan, has won the Diva/Hugo Boss High Heeled Warrior Award for Community Service!

The High Heeled Warrior Awards aim to recognize and celebrate women living in Asia who have contributed and created a positive impact in their community. Mary is recognized for her work for FilmAid on the Thai/Burma border.

FilmAid's work in Asia began in 2009 with a highly successful pilot project in Thailand's Mae La refugee camp, one of nine camps located on the country's western border with Burma which hosts more than 150,000 refugees. Over the past four years Mary has overseen programming in the region, including the creation of multiple films, training and mentoring of refugees within FilmAid Asia's Film Production Programme, and the addition of a workshop space for training, auditions, rehearsals and shooting. 

You can read an interview with Mary about her influences and career on the High Heeled Warrior's website and watch a clip about Mary's work for FilmAid and what winning this award means to her below. Congratulations, Mary!