Reconnecting Families Through Film

FilmAid and Refugees United have partnered to develop educational video materials to strengthen the ongoing effort to reconnect individuals and families who have been separated by war, conflict and other catastrophes. The films will promote and demonstrate Refugees United’s mobile application, which is the newest addition to the most successful system ever in reconnecting refugees and displaced persons across the globe.

A 20-minute drama video will be scripted and shot by FilmAid’s filmmaker students in Kakuma Refugees Camp, and the final product will be translated into Sudanese, Somalia and Congolese languages before being screened across the camp. FilmAid’s commitment to the participatory video approach ensures that the refugees in Kakuma are empowered in informing their own community in the most effective context.

This new initiative sees the RefUnite platform go mobile in order to provide better access for refugees in the camps, and across the world, to reconnect with their loved ones. Our partnership is crucial in directly helping families reconnect with missing loved ones through a safe and secure search tool that allows for full anonymity without incurring any costs.

Once completed, the film will be screened during FilmAid’s daytime and evening screening programs in Kakuma. Through 30 evening screenings the project will reach over 12,000 people, and daytime screenings include the opportunity for in-depth discussions and question and answer sessions about the search tool and the operations of Refugees United.

FilmAid supports and works closely with other humanitarian agencies in an effort to improve the lives of refugees living across the world. For this reason, we are very excited about our partnership with Refugees United as we now work together toward reaching their goal of reconnecting one million families displaced by war, conflict and catastrophe by 2015.

Please visit our YouTube channel to see the short films we have previously produced.