FilmAid condemns Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine and stands with refugees and others who are affected by the war.
Since democratic liberalization in the 1990s and accelerating following the 2014 pro-democracy Revolution of Dignity, creative expression has exploded in Ukraine. For nearly 30 years, Internews has worked to bolster independent media in Ukraine, and today, Internews and FilmAid work with a cadre of artists and filmmakers producing works that force citizens and leaders to reconcile current and historic events, from the Chernobyl disaster to the manmade famine that killed more than 3 million people, to the current war with Russia.
For more information on Internews’ response in Ukraine and the Eurasia region, click here.
Real-Time Updates on Disinformation & Attacks on Ukrainian Media
We recommend these local organizations for credible, current information on the latest attacks against media in Ukraine and disinformation about the conflict.
Through film, familiarize yourself with the history that has led us to today.
Donate to the Dovzhenko Center, which preserves, promotes, researches, and distributes the national film heritage in Ukraine and abroad.
Share resources for filmmakers and others affected by the war.
Donate to the International Coalition for Filmmakers at Risk’s Emergency Fund to help filmmakers who are in direct danger because of the ongoing war in Ukraine.