Since December 2013, South Sudan has been in the midst of violent civil war with displacement of over 1.5 million people. And now, South Sudan is also on the brink of famine, with the UN warning that the country is on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe.
The ongoing violence has prompted tens of thousands to flee South Sudan into neighboring Kenya. Over 40,000 new refugees from South Sudan have arrived at Kakuma Refugee Camp this year with 60,000 more expected due to the food shortages. Children represent over 67% of all new arrivals.
What is FilmAid doing to help refugees from South Sudan?
Since the crisis began, FilmAid has staged 162 facilitated daytime screenings, 47 film workshops and 14 mass outdoor screenings, providing new arrivals from South Sudan information on how to access critical aid as well as on how to navigate life in the camp. This includes information about how to access food, water and shelter.
Where there is confusion, FilmAid provides clear, succinct messaging that has reached over 34,500 newly arrived refugees this year. At a time of uncertainty, upheaval, and desperation, FilmAid provides much-needed hope through the power of film - that things will get better, that there is help available, and that there is a brighter future ahead.
Why Give Now?
FilmAid is aiming to raise $10,000 in the next 2 weeks to support our Emergency Response Team who will produce film and audio kits with this critical information, disseminating it through 50 mass outdoor evening screenings and 240 mass awareness campaigns. They will also incorporate facilitated workshops, community theater performances, and other 'edutainment' activities.
With your support we are confident we can meet the needs of these people by creating an Emergency Response Team dedicated to disseminating FilmAid's live-saving information to new arrivals over the next 6 months.
Partnering with Shot Lister App
We are partnering with Shot Lister, the professional shot list and scheduling app, who are helping us to raise these critical funds. From September 8th to 18th, Shot Lister will only cost you $1.99 per download and all proceeds from your purchase will go to FilmAid.